
Which foods have fiber?

October 22, 2022 , Fiber-rich food

Fiber is very nutritious and has amazing properties. Fiber is mostly found in plant foods and fruits.

Here are some with abundant fiber:


Coconut has low glucose, the amount of fiber in this food is 4 to 6 times that of oat bran. To consume this food, you can add coconut flour and powder to your diet. The amount of coconut fiber in each cup is about 7.2 grams.


Both dry and fresh figs have a lot of fiber, the amount of soluble and insoluble nutrients is balanced, and there are about 14.6 grams of fiber in each cup of figs. Jaundice (macular degeneration that causes blindness in the elderly) is very useful. Kurma Rabbi Green Diamond offers quality figs and other fruits. You will find it quite helpful.


One of the foods with fiber is peas, besides, this food is considered to be rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. Peas can be steamed in salads and soups. Peas can be used all over the world. meet your need for vitamins C and 25% of the body’s need for vitamins B1 and B9. The amount of fiber in each cup of peas is 8.6 grams.



Okra is one of the foods that has a high percentage of fiber, one cup of this food has 8.2 grams of this substance and can provide one third of your daily fiber needs, plus okra has a high percentage of calcium.


Turnips are rich in nutrients and are a great source of fiber, with 4.8 grams of fiber per half cup. Turnips can be eaten raw or cooked.


Black beans

Black beans add large amounts of protein and fiber to your diet, plus black beans contain large amounts of antioxidants and antioxidants that are effective in eliminating free radicals. Black beans reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases and cancer. The amount of fiber in beans is 12.2 grams per cup.


There are 10.4 grams of fiber in each cooked cup of lentils, plus lentils are rich in vitamin B9 (this vitamin is one of the essential vitamins

(Pregnant women, people who have liver disease and take certain drugs.) Consuming pilaf lentils and lentil feed can meet your needs.

Pinto beans

The amount of fiber in pinto beans is 13.2 grams per cooked cup. These beans contain large amounts of iron and provide 25% of your iron needs. In addition, the manganese present in it is effective in supplying the body with energy and antioxidants. It prevents the formation of free radicals.


Flax seed

Flax seed is a source of fiber, so that each spoonful of it has 3 grams of fiber, in addition, flax seed is useful in reducing blood cholesterol and reducing menopausal symptoms. Grind flax seeds and add them to your smoothies, salads and soups. add.