
Hair growth and dates

Date seed oil contains many useful vitamins, mineral salts, and fatty acids, which are useful and effective for protecting, strengthening hair roots and follicles, and by providing the natural needs of the scalp and hair shaft in regrowth and preventing brittleness and whiteness. Hair has an effective and therapeutic application.

Date seed oil consists of:

Fatty acids: linolenic – linoleic – oleic – stearic – palmitic – myristic

Solvents: iron-calcium-magnesium-sodium-potassium-manganese-zinc-zinc-phosphorus

Vitamins: A-B-C-D-E-K-B1-B2-B5-B6-B9-B12

Due to the presence of countless vitamins and minerals, date seed oil will have many therapeutic and effective effects as a hair strengthener and protector.

Application of palm date oil:

Date seed oil: rejuvenating and increasing skin elasticity

Date seed oil: clarifying and repairing the skin

Date seed oil: hydrates and moisturizes the skin

Date seed oil: increasing the collagen production of skin cells

Date seed oil: removing wrinkles on the skin of the face and hands

Date seed oil: strengthening and growth of hair follicles

Date seed oil: prevention of hair loss and graying

Date seed oil: strengthening eyelashes and eyebrows

Date seed oil: strengthens and removes the brittleness of nails

Date seed oil: natural anti-aging

Due to the presence of iron, date seed oil improves blood circulation and oxygenation to the scalp, strengthens and grows hair, and prevents hair loss.

Date seed is a rich source of vitamins and minerals and is very useful for nourishing the scalp and hair. Using palm seed oil makes the hair shiny and strengthens it.

Nutrients and sufficient content in dates are beneficial for hair follicles and hair growth and keep your hair healthy and strong.

Due to the abundance of vitamin “B”, this juicy food is a wonderful treatment for hair loss. Kurma Piarom Shah Alam also contain iron, which prevents hair loss. By consuming dates, the roots of your hair are nourished and the strands become elastic and strong. This ultimately leads to the prevention of hair loss.

How to use palm seed oil to strengthen and rejuvenate hair

To use on the scalp, after washing the scalp and drying it, pour one to several drops of palm seed oil on different areas of the scalp and massage the scalp with the tips of the fingers and spread the oil evenly on the scalp. After a few seconds, the oil will be completely absorbed by the scalp and will affect the hair roots and follicles.

It should be noted that when you massage the scalp with or without oil, the fat cells of the head are activated and make the hair greasy, and for this reason, the best time to use palm seed oil is at the end of the night and before going to bed. It is for the hair that has enough time to be effective after massaging the scalp. After washing your head, you will see that your hair is brighter and softer.
Due to the presence of iron, date seed oil improves blood circulation and oxygenation to the scalp, strengthens and grows hair, and prevents hair loss.

Date seed oil is a rich source of vitamins and minerals and is very useful for nourishing the scalp and hair. Using palm seed oil makes the hair shiny and strengthens it.