
Organic dates do magics to your body

November 26, 2022 , Date Fruits, healthy food

Organic dates are very rich in micronutrients such as selenium, manganese, magnesium and copper. These micronutrients help promote healthy bones. If you suffer from bone problems, dates can be one of the most important supplements in your diet. The micronutrients in organic dates are also very effective in treating bone diseases such as osteoporosis. Therefore, it is recommended to include Kurma Madu Shah Alam as part of your diet for healthier bones.

Benefits of organic dates for men
Improve sexual health in men: Organic dates are known as a wonder food that improves male sexual health.

Increasing sperm count: Dates contain flavonoids and estradiol, which have positive effects on increasing sperm count and sperm quality.

Benefits of organic dates for women
Combats iron deficiency: According to studies, it has been found that women are naturally more susceptible to hemoglobin deficiency in the body. If you suffer from iron deficiency, instead of buying iron supplements, it is better to include dates in your daily diet. Consuming natural foods rich in iron is always the best option instead of taking supplements or drugs. To get the iron required by the body, you can eat a few dates every day.

Natural childbirth: eating organic dates during pregnancy can make natural childbirth easier. This delicious food dilates the cervix and reduces the need for induction labor. Dates successfully mimic the action of oxytocin and cause natural uterine muscle contractions during labor. It also has a compound called tannin that helps facilitate uterine contractions during childbirth.

Organic dates
Better bowel movements
The fiber content in organic dates is very high, which can be very beneficial for people suffering from health problems caused by irregular bowel movements.

In a study conducted on 21 people, the results showed that dates helped with regular bowel movements for the group that consumed them daily for a week. The group that did not consume dates experienced irregular bowel movements. It was also observed that the concentration of ammonia in feces is significantly reduced with regular consumption of dates.

Therefore, we can definitely say that the impact of organic dates on your diet and overall health is unparalleled. This delicious fruit can help your digestive health and lead a healthy life.

Improve brain function
Inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin are very dangerous for the brain. Increased presence of IL-6 (interleukin 6) is attributed to the development of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. The presence of inflammatory markers is never a good sign for nervous system health. Therefore, they should be considered very carefully.

Regular consumption of organic dates is effective in reducing IL-6 levels. As a result, it helps to reduce the risk of degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Benefits of organic dates for the skin
Organic dates are a great alternative to harmful chemicals found in skin care products. The high concentration of vitamin C and vitamin D in dates ensures that your skin receives all the nutrients it needs to have healthy and glowing skin. Vitamin C and D are great for improving your skin’s elasticity.

The nutrients in dates are also good for preventing skin aging and help you look younger for longer. Dates are also useful in maintaining the balance of melanin in your skin and reducing the possibility of its deposition in different parts of the skin.

Rich in fiber
Getting enough fiber is important for your health. 100 grams of dates have about 7 grams of fiber. Including dates in your diet is a great way to increase your fiber intake.

Fiber helps keep your digestive system healthy by preventing constipation and keeps your bowels moving regularly.

Normal and healthy digestion has a cascading effect on improving other body systems such as better nutrient absorption, liver and kidney health, and keeps you mentally calm. Regular consumption of dates can help you avoid constipation and many digestive problems.

In addition, the fiber in organic dates is also useful for controlling blood sugar. Fiber slows down digestion and helps prevent excessive blood sugar spikes after eating. Dates have a low glycemic index (GI), which makes your blood sugar not increase suddenly after consuming dates.

Blood sugar control
Organic dates to regulate blood sugar
Organic dates can help regulate blood sugar due to its low glycemic index, fiber and antioxidants. Therefore, eating dates is beneficial for diabetes management. Dates reduce blood sugar and fat levels. It can increase insulin production and help reduce the rate of glucose absorption from the intestine.

Eliminate insomnia by consuming organic dates
Among the other health benefits of dates, we can mention dealing with insomnia. If you have been suffering from insomnia for months and are thinking of taking medication, it is better to try a quick and easy home remedy with only a few ingredients to solve the problem naturally. Make a drink with organic dates and nuts and drink it before bed. Try this drink for a few weeks and feel the difference!