
Are dates ideal for children?

November 29, 2022 , Date Fruits, healthy food
Dates fruit is recommended for toddlers and small children. It can even be introduced as baby food because they contain essential vitamins and minerals for the proper development of the child and provide immediate energy to the child so that he can go with intense activities without any problems.
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Are dates ideal for children?
Many parents are confused when adding dates to their toddler’s food. However, experts believe that you can start giving dates to children when you give your baby solid food or after six months of age. The nutritional value of dates helps in the proper and overall development of your child.
If you add dates to your child’s daily fruit intake, you can be sure that you are giving him one of the best foods.
What are the benefits of using dates for children?
1. Rich source of nutrition
Dates are enriched with a lot of vitamins and minerals. Dates are necessary for his children to help them grow. Calcium and magnesium, useful minerals for bone health, are abundantly found in dates. Potassium in dates is useful for brain development and overall development of the child.
2. Protection against intestinal disorders
Dates are also beneficial for children and babies who often suffer from digestive problems. Dates are used to treat almost all types of intestinal disorders that occur in children.
3. Gives stronger teeth
Dates are also recommended for children who are teething, if ripe dates are given in moderate amounts, teeth development will be seen better. If they chew dates, their gums will be stronger and their teeth will grow easily and quickly.
In the early stages of teeth development, if the baby is given soaked dates, his growing teeth will get enough exercise. This little exercise will help your baby develop stronger teeth and gums. Soaked dates are also a little soft so as not to harm the baby’s gums.
Additionally, dates are a fiber-rich food, so they keep saliva flowing. It creates a protective mineral layer on the tooth that prevents any kind of decay or cavity. This was one of the hidden benefits of dates for small children. Let’s look at the next one.
4. Liver with good function
Children are susceptible to bacterial and viral infections in the liver. Jaundice, hepatitis and typhoid are among the liver diseases that are observed at a young age. However, even if your child suffers from these conditions, you should give dates to children, along with doctor’s orders. Dates for children have properties that help protect the liver.
5. Digestive problems
Many of you must know that toddlers also suffer from acidity and acid reflux. Dates can reduce reflux and you can even consider dates for children and their nutrition after consulting your doctor.
6. Treatment of bloody diarrhea
Bacterial infection in the large intestine leads to bloody diarrhea, and toddlers often suffer from this problem. Give your child dates regularly.
7. Treatment of constipation
Dates contain dietary fibers and are very useful for treating constipation not only in children but also in adults.
8. Fever reliever
Children suffer from different types of fever. Dates have properties that help relieve discomfort. For toddlers and children during fever, you can grind dates and add them to milk. This will help heal faster and your child will soon be back to normal activities.
9. Weight problems
Most children do not eat properly and have weight problems. If your baby is thin and weak, start giving dates with milk daily and you will soon see the results.
10. Overall health improvement
Dates are good for improving overall health. They are the best substitute for sugar. You can save your child from the harm of sugar and also make your child healthy from the inside.