
Amazing properties of walnuts and dates are endless!

November 2, 2022 , Date Fruits, Healthy diet


One of the most important recommendations for people is to eat foods that have a high nutritional value. Walnuts and dates can be effective in improving body function.

Now, why is it highly recommended to consume walnuts with dates?

Properties of dates with walnuts and skin and hair beauty

One of the things that is given a lot of attention nowadays is the beauty of the skin and hair and the prevention of hair loss. Both walnuts and dates have vitamins. Vitamin D-C-E are important for the health and beauty of the skin, and by eating walnuts with dates, this vitamin is provided in the body.

Kurma Rabbi Selangor and walnuts both have magnesium and copper, despite these important elements, the body’s system can be strengthened and hair loss can be prevented to some extent.

Properties of walnuts with dates and control and prevention of blood pressure

A large percentage of people today are facing high blood pressure. The foods that are used are effective in reducing and increasing blood pressure. If every person can eat a few walnuts with dates a day, he can be safe from high blood pressure and the reason is This is the presence of magnesium in dates and walnuts.

People suffering from this disease, instead of using sugar, can use dates with their tea, which are both nutritious and prevent high blood pressure.